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“Dave Krygier and DMK Productions truly helped us communicate what God is doing in this ministry in a very powerful and poignant way. They captured not only the essence of the ministry but the hearts and stories of the people. Their videos have enabled us to impact audiences far beyond our own constituency.”
–John Repsold, Senior Pastor, Mosaic Spokane

DMK Productions captures footage for CBLN ministry in Spokane, Washington. Anthony Carollo from the GSAE is shown here interviewing Randy Simon. Photo by Dave Krygier.

At the heart of every ministry and non-profit organization are people who care. People who dedicate themselves to helping facilitate change and promote their organization’s service and message. But caring and dedication only gets you so far in our info overloaded society. What it really takes is compelling visual communications to stop the viewer or searcher in his or her tracks. This means video and still photographs need to be the stopper.

Many a ministry and non-profit has the opportunity to grow its audience and donor base by simply getting the message and story out to its audience via video, photo stills and audio. Video combined with the written word and voice can make all the difference when it comes to reaching the people who will support the cause.

In most cases the story about a ministry or non-profit organization can’t be told in just one to two minutes. It takes multiple videos, articles and/or audios to reach the existing donors and potential audience.


Video Production for Ministries and Non-Profits

Here at DMK Productions we specialize in video production for ministries and non-profits. We do this by creating high quality content (video, photo stills, audio and text) that conveys the stories and messages on and offline. From the stories of existing staff, to the testimonials of people you support, and people who support your organization, we help tell the story and bring the messages alive so your team has the content to spread the word.

Our content creation and production services provide a wide range of options including videos for web, digital presentations, broadcast commercials, animated videos, audio messages, photo stills for email and social media, and copywriting for all of the above.

On location, in the studio, digitally or online – we can support your efforts to better attract your target audience and connect with donors.

Isn’t it time you grew your audience and donor base? If so – Contact Us today and we’ll start the conversation about how our services can help you achieve your goals and reach more people.